The happiness ingredient missing from your north star metric
Rhiannon Kastrissios

The North Star Metric and how it can help your business generate long-term sustainable growth by focusing on a single, key metric.

4 key requirements for an effective text analytics solution
Ryan Stuart

If you're looking for a text analytics solution, this blog is for you. Learn what elements you should be looking for here.

Analyzing with Kapiche: Australian ISP Customer Reviews
Ryan Stuart

With the new features now live, I thought it’d be interesting to use Kapiche to analyze customer review data for Skymesh, an Australian ISP that provides me with my own home internet.

The power of open-ended responses for customer experience
Ryan Stuart

Discover the untapped value of unstructured CX data. Learn how analyzing open-ended responses can revolutionize your customer experience strategy.

The Unstructured Data Revolution
Rhiannon Kastrissios

What we’re talking about here is unstructured data: words written by real people that don’t follow a pre-defined model, using language riddled with nuances.

Is tagging / categorization / coding appropriate for analyzing customer feedback?
Ryan Stuart

Open-ended questions are a fantastic way to reduce the length of a survey and increase response rates, but how do you take 10,000 responses to an open-ended question and understand them in a reasonable amount of time?

Using software to improve your CX team's output
Ryan Stuart

How do you efficiently draw actionable insights from a huge pool of CX data?
